Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Coffee. How Bad/Good is it for you?

I have held off from looking into the nutritional value of coffee for a very long time now just because of my current dependency of it. My daily average of cups of coffee is probably around 4 nowadays.

So, as someone who is constantly looking for ways to make her life healthier, I am going to once and for all find out just what this caffeinated miracle has in store for our bodies. I'm also going to research alternatives to this drink, and I have an inkling (only due to the fact that you hear this piece of advice EVERYWHERE), that one of these alternatives is a little more on the herbal side.... Tea!

But... before I divulge into all of this.... I have a coffee date... haha.

1 comment:

  1. Taelah!! Your blog looks great!
    What I always wondered about coffee was ... How much does it matter if you put a lot of cream/sugar in your coffee or if you just drink it black? Does it make that much of a difference, ultimately, of how much sugar/cream/calories you are consuming?

    Just a thought!!
